I know we are not a very good advertisement for Atkins. We stray too much. We can go along for 4 or 5 days and do so well. Then a dinner, convention, meeting comes up, and there we go again. We are still losing. Sometimes I wish someone would give me an IV and put me to sleep for a couple of months. It seems that I have spent my whole life dieting, and I really don't think it is the diet that is a mess. It is me. I hate exercise! I have to find something that I like that will move me around.
I like to sew (sitting), read (sitting), TV (sitting), Social Media (sitting), painting (sitting), crafts (sitting). I need to find a hobby that will get me out of the chair. Rheumatoid Arthritis has got the best of me. When we go walking or shopping, my feet, knees, and hips hurt and I cannot walk any distance. I have to hold on to the shopping cart or Ray's arm to stay steady. I want to lose weight so bad, but I just don't have the gumption. I have lost enough weight during my lifetime to populate a small town.
Ray is doing much better than I am. He is almost at his goal weight. We are going through his clothes and getting rid of everything that is too big. We should be able to give quite a bit to the Salvation Army. Why are men more able to lose weight faster than women. It I put all my winter clothes in heavy plastic bags and labeled them. Hopefully, they will be too large by next winter and I can get new clothes. See, I have an incentive to lose. When I am on the Atkins program, I feel so much better. Why do I become a Carbohydrate Queen knowing that it is going to make me feel worse?
What is the answer? How do you get the mindset to lose? Where is my motivation?